Greens will amend foreign donations bill to protect Australian Charities  


The Australian Greens will move amendments to the Government’s Foreign Donations Bill to make sure all charities and not-for-profits in Australia can continue to advocate for policy outcomes, including those that receive international philanthropic donations, Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert said today.  

“There are many charities and not-for-profits that rely on international philanthropy to work on important issues such as saving the Great Barrier Reef, finding new treatments for incurable diseases and fighting AIDs and malaria in developing countries. The Government’s proposed changes seek to stop charities from doing their good work on humanitarian causes and protecting our environment.  

“The far-right of the Liberal party and their mates in the Minerals Council of Australia are ganging up on our charities, trying to limit the ability of community organisations to conduct important advocacy work. 

“Fortunately, the ALP and the crossbench supported my motion yesterday that noted the important role of charities and attempts by the Government to stifle them. I trust they will support the Australian Greens amendments to protect charities.  

“Civil society is a key part of a strong and healthy democracy and advocacy is an essential part of the role of civil society. 

“In trying to limit the advocacy of charities and not-for-profits, the Government is setting a dangerous precedent. The work of charities across the board in different areas should be congratulated, not restricted”, concluded Senator Rachel Siewert.  

“The Greens will also move an amendment to extend a ban on donations to political parties from domestic industries such as tobacco and gambling”, Australian Greens Senator Lee Rhiannon said today. 

“With this Bill, the Government has admitted that big money corrupts politics. Whether it’s yuan from Beijing or dollars from Sydney, big money corrupts our democracy”.