Greens will campaign to defeat gaslighting of Australia’s Green Bank


Australian Greens Leader Adam Bandt says his party will fight to defeat the government's attempt to amend the Clean Energy Finance Corporation Act to force the green bank to fund gas corporations.

The government needs the support of Senate crossbenchers to pass the Clean Energy Finance Corporation Amendment (Grid Reliability Fund) Bill 2020 currently before the House of Representatives.

"The government is trying to gaslight the Parliament with its attempt to redefine toxic methane gas as clean energy," Mr Bandt said.

"We know gas is as dirty as coal and is cooking the planet. We will fight this move to rob the green bank."

"As we have already foreshadowed, the Greens will move in the Senate to strip the government of the ability to fund fossil fuels. We welcome the reported move from Labor to take a similar approach to the Greens.

"We call on crossbenchers in the Senate to stand up for our country's future prosperity and join with the Greens and other Senators to defeat this bill," Bandt said.