Greens will fight cruel higher education reforms


The Australian Greens will fight against the Government’s cruel higher education reform package, which will be introduced in the House of Representatives today.

“This Bill cuts willy-nilly from the University sector with zero regard for how it will affect staff, students and learning. The Greens will continue to fight against this Government’s archaic policy of forcing universities to do more with less every year,” Greens education spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.

“In estimates this week the Government admitted $42,000 as a salary threshold for the repayment of HECs/HELP debts was nothing but a thought bubble that completely disregards the disproportionate affect it will have on women, and students in regional areas, who have much lower starting salaries once they graduate.

“It was also revealed that they have done no modelling whatsoever about the affect the $3.8 billion cuts – the single biggest cut in the budget – would have on each university in terms of job cuts and what institutions will have to go without, all to the detriment of student outcomes.

“The Government’s pulling the rug out from underneath institutions that provide an important community service. This cruel policy will mean students have to pay more for less, leaving them to wonder whether they will have a lecturer in the classroom or a tutor available to guide them through their degree.

“As this Bill is introduced to the House of Representatives today, the Australian Greens reaffirm their commitment to fighting this thoughtless, unnecessary attack on young people.”

Media Contact: Amy Moran 0427 604 760