Greens will fight gov gas push based on King Review


With Scott Morrison gunning to use the findings of the King Review to back greenwashing attempts by the fossil fuel industry, the Greens say they will fight the government's moves to redirect public funds to coal and gas. Led by gas industry giants and fossil fuel advocates, the King Review suggests that efforts should be spent cleaning up emissions, not trying to prevent them in the first instance. There are three major changes proposed:

  • Providing capital funding for Carbon Capture and Storage tech through ARENA & CEFC
  • Paying polluters for implementing the industrially unviable CCS technology
  • Paying polluters if they hit minimal targets for emissions reduction

“Scott Morrison has been itching to spend public money on fossil fuels since he got into power. This phony review’s just an excuse to do what he always wanted to,” Greens Leader Adam Bandt said.

“This is an admission from Scott Morrison that he will make no efforts to genuinely reduce emissions.

“The Liberals want to use public money to help their donors through this financial crisis while making the climate emergency worse.

“While he’s telling people across the country to tighten their belts, Scott Morrison is trying to shovel money at the industry most responsible for the climate crisis.

“Minister Taylor’s huffing and puffing about CCS is the same failed fossil fuel industry pipe dream they have been promoting for years and a long standing fig leaf used by Liberal and Labor to justify climate inaction and the continued mining of coal and gas.

“The King Review has been written by gas industry bosses and avowed advocates of the fossil fuel industry. Burning fossil fuels is the chief cause of the climate crisis, yet Scott Morrison has put the methane mafia in charge of the government’s response."

Based on reports, the government is also rejecting the few good recommendations in the review, which would have increased energy efficiency ratings on buildings and found new jobs in genuinely abating emissions.

“You wouldn’t try to fight a kitchen fire without turning the gas cooktop off first. You can’t tackle a problem without treating the cause and the cause of the climate crisis is burning fossil fuels," Bandt said.

“The Greens will seek to disallow any new methodology allowing CCS under the Climate Solutions Fund and will also oppose the government’s CEFC Bill when it comes to Parliament next month if it designed to prop up the ailing fossil fuel industry with yet more public money.

“Instead of trying to cover up emissions from gas, the best option is to not create them in the first place.

“The alternative to Minister Taylor’s pipedream is the Greens ‘Renew Australia’ plan, which sets out clear policies for industry to transition to zero emissions by powering up with renewables, fuel switching away from gas and coal, and becoming more energy efficient.”

The Clean Energy Finance Corporation (Grid Reliability Fund) Amendment Bill 2020 is listed for the Autumn sitting of Parliament.