Housing build would support those fleeing family violence


The Greens have welcomed the release today of the Nowhere To Go report by Equity Economics, which finds that a significant build of social housing would support thousands of women and children fleeing family and domestic violence.

The report underscores the urgent need for a massive expansion in public and community housing, which the Greens continue to advocate for.

Senator Mehreen Faruqi, Greens spokesperson for Housing, said:

“How many wake up calls does the Morrison government need before it acts? We are in a housing crisis and some of the most vulnerable in our community are suffering the most because of it.

“Only a small fraction of women and children subjected to family violence are receiving the long-term housing they need. This is simply unacceptable and egregious.

“This report really underscores the importance of a mass social housing build, not just for the most marginalised and at-risk of homelessness, but also for the broader community.

“The Greens have a plan to build one million public and community homes. The government must invest in social housing with urgency. We have no time to waste.”

Senator Larissa Waters, Greens spokesperson for Women, said:

“The women’s groups I meet with all tell me the same thing: the chronic lack of domestic violence shelters, transitional housing and social housing is killing women.

“Twenty-three women have been killed by violence in 2021, and that number will only increase without substantial investment in safe and secure housing. Women are being forced to choose between violence and homelessness.

“The government pledged that May’s budget would deliver for women, and yet they only provided one-quarter of the funding that the sector says is needed to meet existing demand for support services and accommodation.

“Perhaps, with his approval rating among women collapsing, sheer political survival will motivate the PM to finally listen to women and take action on domestic and family violence.”