How to compound the gender pay gap: Women get half as much as men from stage 3 tax cuts


Costings by the independent Parliamentary Budget Office reveal an incredible gender and income bias in the benefit of proposed stage 3 tax cuts.

  • Men get two-thirds (66%) of the money, women get one third over the next decade 
  • When it takes effect in 2024-25, the average tax cut for a man will be $1,430, twice as much as for a woman ($730).
  • Across the whole income-earning population, when it takes effect in 2024-25, the average tax cut for someone in the richest 20% will be $4,230, which is 17 times the average tax cut for middle income Australians (the middle quintile) ($250).

Quotes attributable to Greens Leader, Adam Bandt:

“These Liberal and Labor tax cuts are anti-women.

“The gender pay gap in Australia is an unacceptable 13%, but the gender gap for these tax cuts is a terrible 49%. 

“This is a trickle-down handout for rich men.

“By killing Australia’s progressive tax system, Liberal and Labor will make economic inequality worse.

“The Greens oppose these Stage 3 tax cuts. The only way to save Australia’s progressive tax system is to kick the Liberals out and put the Greens in balance of power where we’ll push the next government to repeal these unfair, anti-women tax cuts and put a new tax on billionaires instead.”

Quotes attributable to Greens deputy leader and spokesperson on women Senator Larissa Waters:

“These tax cuts ignore the structural inequalities facing women.

“Tax cuts that deliver twice as much for men as women entrench the gender pay gap and won’t secure a fair and sustainable recovery from the Covid crisis.

“Women have been on the front line of our Covid response as healthcare professionals, teachers, childcare teachers, disability carers, and aged-care workers. 

“The government should be investing in child care and ensuring fair pay, secure jobs and flexible working conditions instead of backing in more tax cuts.”