Income support recipients continue to be an afterthought


The Greens say that the additional $200 for people on income support who have lost 8 hours of work a week is a step in the right direction but once again it isn’t enough.

It’s very simple: to ensure people stay safe, the Government must ensure everyone can afford to stay home during lockdowns. 

Once again, a confusing, delayed and piecemeal process to access support has exacerbated the mental ill-health of people in our community. 

Not only are people in distress because of extended lockdowns, people on income support have effectively been abandoned by their own Government, who want to pretend that the pandemic is over.  

People in the community should have confidence that if they have to go into lockdown they will be supported to do so. 

Australia will not beat this virus if people continue to be forced to make the terrible choice between going to work or going without food because they are unable to access adequate income support payments. 

Continuing to punish people on income support payments in the midst of a pandemic is twisted and cruel. 

If we want people to be able to eat, clothe and pay their bills, they need a payment of at least $80 a day. 


Media Contact
Lucy Cowcher-Guthrie: 0418 401 180