IPCC report hits the climate emergency button: Greens


IPCC report hits the climate emergency button: Greens

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 °C shows it is time to hit the climate emergency button, according to the Australian Greens. The Report, released today, reinforces the need for accelerated action to cut pollution in Australia, including the phase out of thermal coal exports. Action is needed before 2030.

“If we don’t quit coal, we are screwed,” said Mr Bandt.

“Business as usual under Liberal and Labor is a death sentence.

“2030 is our new deadline. The report confirms we may hit 1.5 degrees as early as 2030, which could trigger multi-metre sea-level rises as the Greenland ice sheet collapses and parts of Antarctica are lost.

“The current drought should be enough to get us to act, but this report highlights that the extreme weather we’re experiencing now will only get worse.

“The report makes clear emissions need to peak now and that we need ‘rapid and far reaching transitions’ across the whole economy. In other words, we should be mobilising for war against climate change.

“We should be hitting the emergency button in Canberra. Instead, we have a coal-addled Prime Minister and a coal-conflicted Labor leader.”

“This report is extremely conservative in its assumptions about likely temperature rises, sea level rise and feedbacks that will drive further warming, which only further reinforces the need for emergency action.”

Contact: Gideon Reisner, 0429 109 054

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