
It's time to reregulate electricity prices: Greens

Greens climate change and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP has said Malcolm Turnbull’s tea party with big power bosses won’t bring down bills.

Instead, Mr Bandt urged the Prime Minister to adopt Greens policy and move towards reregulating electricity prices to reduce power bills that are spiralling out of control.

“Deregulating electricity prices has failed. It is time the government stepped in and capped electricity prices,” said Mr Bandt.

“A letter in the mail and a stern talking to over a cup of tea won’t cut power bills. There are even some reports today suggesting that some companies won’t even be able to meet the Christmas deadline for these letters.

“The cheapest electricity in Australia is in the States and Territories that regulate prices.

“Malcolm Turnbull needs to stop parading around the east coast with empty promises just to get a bump in the next poll. Privatisation has failed. It has pushed up prices and pollution and has caused a crisis in the electricity market. It’s time to act decisively.

“Electricity is an essential service and electricity prices should be brought back under public control. It is time Malcolm Turnbull put the rest of states on notice that they need to act to regulate prices and that if they won’t, he will.”

Media contact: Gideon Reisner, 0429 109 054