JobKeeper 2.0 calls catching on, Morrison reluctance putting nation at risk


As the need to reestablish a large-scale JobKeeper becomes increasingly obvious, the Greens say the same coalition that dragged the Prime Minister over the line the first time can do it again.

Quotes attributable to Greens Leader, Adam Bandt:

“13 million people are under lockdown but Scott Morrison is fiddling with makeshift support packages rather than simply reintroducing a previously successful, well-understood JobKeeper scheme.

“The government resisted JobKeeper last year, and we saw Depression-era dole queues. The Greens were the first party to call for wage guarantees, Labor joined us and ultimately the government was dragged kicking and screaming to JobKeeper. 

“Cruel austerity is the default for this government and they’re resisting JobKeeper yet again, but without JobKeeper and a lifted JobSeeker people will fall through the cracks and Australia’s success against Covid is at risk.

“When people don’t have adequate support, they are forced into making potentially risky decisions. This was a clear lesson from last year’s Melbourne outbreak. 

“JobKeeper and a lifted JobSeeker were needed last year, and they’re needed again now.”

Quotes attributable to Greens Family and Community Services Spokesperson, Senator Rachel Siewert: 

“The Morrison Government’s double standards have to stop. People on income support payments who are in lockdown urgently need access to the $600 per week Covid-19 Disaster Payments.”
“I am appalled that this Government is once again leaving unemployed people, students, single parents, disabled people and carers behind.”

“The Government’s decision to stop people on income support payments from accessing the Covid-19 Disaster Payments is adding to the significant amounts of stress people in lockdown are experiencing.”