JobKeeper cuts will force up to 83,000 Victorians out of jobs


The Australian Greens have released analysis of ABS data which shows 83,100 workers on JobKeeper in Victoria are casuals in industries now subject to some form of shut down.

“Up to 83,100 workers in Victoria’s hardest hit industries will be forced into unemployment because the government continues to deny them access to JobKeeper,” Greens Leader and Member for Melbourne, Adam Bandt said.

“We said from the outset that all casuals should be included in JobKeeper. Now, as the pandemic takes hold for a second time, tens of thousands of workers are paying the price for the Liberals' refusal to extend the scheme.

“These workers have battled through insecure pay, a lack of paid sick leave, and now with many of their employers closing their doors, they’ll be forced out of paid work. 

“Not all areas in those sectors are shut down. We know that supermarkets for example remain open, and construction continues but at a low level. 

“The Government must own up and release their modelling to show how many workers will be impacted and then take immediate action to stop the rapidly worsening jobs crisis.

“We need changes to JobKeeper now, so that it is available to everyone who needs it for as long as they need it. While the state government is responding to the crisis by implementing tougher restrictions as the pandemic worsens, Scott Morrison is forcing workers across the country in a one-size-fits all JobKeeper scheme. 

“Josh Frydenberg can amend the JobKeeper scheme with the stroke of a pen, so unless he takes action soon, he is set to be haunted by every lost job and impacted livelihood.”