Karoon Gas pulls out of Great Australian Bight


Greens Senator for South Australia and Spokesperson for the Environment Sarah Hanson-Young has welcomed the news Karoon Gas is relinquishing its exploration permit in the Great Australian Bight and called on Norwegian oil giant Equinor to do the same.


“Karoon pulling out of the Bight is a welcome and important move,” Senator Hanson-Young said.


“Turning the Bight into an oilfield will never get the green light from the community.


“We don’t want oil and gas companies like Karoon and Equinor ruining our beaches and coastline. South Australians want our tourism and fishing industries protected.


“The Government should be working with the community to deliver World Heritage Protection for the Bight and helping to look after our unique and special part of the ocean.”


Senator Hanson-Young pointed to Karoon’s statement to the ASX which said: “We have also listened to our broader stakeholder groups and have initiated actions to relinquish EPP46 in the Great Australian Bight”.


“The writing is on the wall - the community is getting louder and Karoon seems to have heard their opposition loud and clear,” Senator Hanson-Young said.


“Our message to Equinor is now it’s your turn to give up and go home.”