Key steps for healing for the Stolen Generations must be implemented by the Government including reparations: Greens


A report released by the Healing Foundation today outlines four key priorities for healing for the Stolen Generations and must be considered by Prime Minister Turnbull, Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert said today.

“The remaining Aboriginal people who are part of the Stolen Generations deserve to be supported through a healing process, until that is done properly the impacts will continue through intergenerational trauma and entrenching disadvantage.

“Reparation is a key part of this. State and Federal Governments, as well as the institutions that caused so much harm, must offer redress and funding for healing services.

“I will be reintroducing my Reparations for the Stolen Generations bill and hope this time it gets the support of the Parliament.

“20 years from the Bringing Them Home report and most recommendations have not been implemented with half-hearted efforts on some. We still have appalling numbers of Aboriginal children in out of home care, terrible incarceration rates and disadvantage.

"As a nation we owe it to members of the Stolen Generations to do the right thing”.