Labor failing first climate test and helping Morrison


The Australian Greens have said Labor is letting Scott Morrison off the hook as its new climate spokesperson, Chris Bowen, fails to adopt the independent Climate Targets Panel’s call for at least 50% emissions reduction by 2030. The Greens are putting pressure on Scott Morrison over his weak 2030 targets and are calling on Labor to join them.

This morning when asked if Labor would set a 2030 target, the new Shadow Minister avoided the question, then when asked if Labor would support a new gas fired power station he again deflected.

The Greens want to turf the Morrison government out and work with a future Labor government to legislate and implement true science-based targets, but have warned the incoming Shadow Minister against spin and accounting tricks on vital mid-term targets.

“This year, Australia will come under pressure to lift its 2030 climate targets, and while the Greens are putting the pressure on Scott Morrison, Labor is letting him off the hook,” said Greens leader, Adam Bandt.

“By failing to commit to a 50% reduction by 2030, Labor is failing its first climate test and giving Scott Morrison a free pass.”

“It’s pretty simple. Chris Bowen says Labor will have science-based targets. Yesterday, top scientists laid out exactly what our 2030 target must be to meet the Paris goals: at least 50% reduction by 2030.”
“If Chris Bowen is fair dinkum about his science-based claim, he’ll accept the independent Climate Targets Panel’s call for a 50% reduction by 2030. Anything less is Labor joining the Liberals in walking away from the Paris Agreement.”

“Chris Bowen also needs to rule out ridiculous proposals like a taxpayer funded white elephant gas power plant.”

“Both the Labor and the Coalition reviews of the 2019 election found that climate policies were not the deciding factor. 

“If Anthony Albanese chases Scott Morrison down the coal mine, Labor will be punished in the next election by a public sick of political cowardice on climate and we’ll be stuck with this rotten government.

“Joe Biden and John Kerry don’t care about Australia’s election cycles. They and the rest of the world are expecting all nations to bring strengthened 2030 targets to the table.

“The Coalition have blown a big chunk of our carbon budget, making the line to zero far steeper and the timeframe half a decade shorter. The climate doesn’t grant extensions because you lost an election.

“Given Australia’s depleted carbon budget and tighter timelines, and the need to put the pressure on Scott Morrison, now would be the worst time for the Labor party to retreat from climate action,” Bandt said.