Labor tries to walk both sides of the street on TPP


The Labor Party is fooling the community, and themselves, when they say they can scale back the nasties in the TPP in Government.


“The Labor Party cannot change the TPP once the ink is dry. They are fooling themselves if they think this is going to fly with the Australian workers who know better,” Greens trade spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.


“The Labor Party keeps repeating the lie that they will change the TPP once they are in Government – but they cannot.  They are merely talking out both sides of their mouth, raising objections while rolling over and enabling the Government to push this through the Parliament.


“Unions are lining up to condemn Labor’s decision on the TPP, proving how far removed the ALP is from the interests of everyday Australian workers.


“The Greens will be moving amendments to ensure workers’ rights, protect Australian jobs and prohibit ISDS provisions.


“It’s a bad deal for consumers, it’s a bad deal for workers, and all it does is lines the pockets of big multinational corporations who already take Australia for a ride.


“Labor still has the opportunity to press pause on the TPP when the legislation reaches the Senate, and bring it back in Government if they really are committed to having it fixed. Anything less proves Labor’s words to be hollow.”