Labor’s housing plan doesn’t go nearly far enough


Australian Greens Housing spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said that Labor’s plan doesn’t go nearly far enough to tackle the housing crisis, slash waiting lists and provide universal housing.

Senator Faruqi said:

“The scale of the housing crisis requires serious ambition and unprecedented funding. Labor has missed the mark on that front.

“Any housing plan that doesn't dismantle the tax loopholes which inflate prices isn't worth the paper it's written on. Labor has failed to renew its commitment to wind back negative gearing and capital gains tax exemptions, forgoing revenue that could be used to build more homes.

“When it comes to new builds, we need to be talking in the hundreds of thousands of homes - not in the tens of thousands.

“The sector expects that over the next fifteen years, we’ll need more than 700,000 new dwellings. Labor’s commitment is a fraction of what’s required.

“The Greens have committed to building one million homes over the next twenty years to obliterate public housing waiting lists, finally end homelessness, and ensure everyone has a roof over their head.”