Labor's JobKeeper capitulation


Labor’s decision to let big corporations keep JobKeeper profits is a complete capitulation, the Greens say.

“We know that $13 billion went to boosting the bottom line of profitable companies during the pandemic,” Greens Economic Justice spokesperson Senator Nick McKim said.

“The fact that Labor is happy for big corporations to keep this money just shows that they are far more focused on their big donors than helping people who need it most.”

“JobKeeper turned into one of the biggest rorts in Australian corporate history, and the money that corporations didn’t need should be clawed back and spent on schools and hospitals.”

“This is a shocking capitulation - we’ve got a plan to force large, profitable corporations to pay back JobKeeper - and we’ll keep hammering the major parties on their support for corporate greed.”

“The Greens Bill is currently before a Senate Inquiry and we will keep the pressure on the government, even if Labor won’t.”