Live entertainment industry on it's knees deserves PM's urgent attention


The Greens are again urging the Morrison Government to do more for the Arts and Entertainment Industry after a report released today shows two out of every three jobs in the live entertainment sector have been lost this year. 
Greens Spokesperson for the Arts Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said:
“The Arts and Entertainment Industry was completely ignored in last week's budget despite being the hardest hit by Covid19.
"These latest figures confirm the crisis the Industry has been telling the Government it is in for half a year now. 
"Despite pleas for specific industry assistance since March, the Morrison Government continues to fail artists, creatives, support crews and all the businesses that depend on it. 
"Not even the fact the industry pulls in hundreds of billions of dollars each year, which is now at great risk, is enough to motivate the PM to actually provide proper support. 
”The live entertainment sector that commissioned the EY Report is calling for an extension to JobKeeper, support with insurance for events and more funding for grants programs, and the Greens back their calls.
"The PM can't keep turning a blind eye, it's time he reached a bit deeper into his Government's pockets and pulled out proper support for the arts and entertainment industry. 
"The PM found three times as much for the construction industry which has only suffered a quarter of the job losses. Our artists, creatives, crews and supporting businesses shouldn't suffer just because the PM prefers tool belts to arts and culture.
"We will be pressing the government on this issue in Estimates next week."