LNP sinks vote to stop PEP-11


The LNP has gagged debate on a bill to stop the destructive fossil fuel project PEP-11, despite Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Liberal MPs Lucy Wicks, Jason Falinski, Trent Zimmerman and Dave Sharma having all voiced opposition to the project.


Greens spokesperson for Healthy Oceans, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, said:


“Coastal communities right around the nation are opposing offshore fossil fuel projects in this critical time of climate emergency.


“After parading about NSW pretending to listen to and agree with communities unanimously opposed to PEP-11, Scott Morrison has yet again proven that he cannot be trusted to walk the talk on matters of climate change. There’s not a shred of legitimacy left in the bloke.


“Scott Morrison’s inability to stay true to his word on PEP-11 is symbolic of the Liberals’ subservience to the Nationals, who are now effectively holding coastal electorates held by NSW Liberal members to ransom.


“It’s becoming a hallmark of this Government to gag debate any time the going gets tough or it is faced with an iota of scrutiny.


“Although today’s bill didn’t get to see the light of day in the Lower House, the fight is not over. I will be introducing a bill into the Senate to ban all offshore oil and gas drilling and seismic testing.


“There is clearly broad community support across the political spectrum for a ban on seismic testing. Earlier this year the Australian Senate passed a motion supporting local fishing communities calling for a moratorium on all future seismic testing unless the corporation responsible for the oil or gas exploration can prove there will be no impact on local fishing stocks.


“The Greens will never stay silent while our oceans are under siege from big, greedy oil and gas corporations who buy their power with hefty political donations, especially not in midst of a climate emergency.”