Lower Lakes Independent Review a dire warning




Responding to the Independent Review into the Lower Lakes, Greens Spokesperson for Water and Senator for South Australia Sarah Hanson-Young said:


“The CSIRO-led report into the Lower Lakes is a dire warning for the quality of Adelaide’s drinking water if Governments don’t act sooner and faster on climate change.


“Pressure from upstream states to cut flows to South Australia’s Lower Lakes and Coorong would be an environmental and social disaster, leaving Adelaide’s water too salty to drink and the environment to die.


“The CSRIO has debunked the myths pushed by politicians from the Eastern states that the Lakes and Coorong should simply be turned to salt and everyone else upstream can keep on taking more and more water without consequence.


“The report should be a warning sign that climate change and over-extraction are killing the river system.


“South Australia’s drinking water and the health of the River depends on protecting  environmental flows and urgent action to tackle the climate crisis."