Manus Island report reveals Dutton's neglect and lies


Amnesty International's report on the Manus Island shooting and concessions from PNG police have made clear Peter Dutton's catastrophic failure to keep people safe as well as his disgraceful dishonesty.

"The report and PNG police have made it clear that bullets were fired upon the detention centre, contrary to Dutton's claims," Greens Immigration spokesperson Nick McKim said.

"People in his care are being shot at and he has not lifted a finger to keep them safe. This is an appalling act of neglect."

"He cannot keep detainees and staff safe, and he lied about what happened before and during the Good Friday shooting. He must be sacked."

"Australia's detention centres on Manus Island and Nauru are not safe for the detained men, women and children, nor are they safe for staff."

"They need to be closed immediately before more harm is done."