Massive rise in racism concerns must impel action


Australian Greens Anti-racism spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said the findings of the latest Mapping Social Cohesion report, which highlight a substantial increase in Australians’ concerns about racism, should drive government action. 60% of people now say racism is a big problem, up from 40% just last year.

Senator Faruqi said:

“People are more and more worried about rising racism in the community.

“Increasing community awareness has aligned with the continued growth of far-right, racist movements. The impacts of racist hatred on minority communities can no longer be denied.

“Meanwhile, the Morrison government’s head is firmly planted in the sand. The government hasn’t funded a national anti-racism strategy since 2015.

“Just because a conservative government full of white men doesn’t feel the brunt of racism doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

“ASIO is now saying up to 50 per cent of its domestic counter-terrorism caseload is taken up by ideologically-motivated extremism, which has been driven by a rise in right-wing extremism.

“We urgently need federal government investment in a national anti-racism strategy and a coordinated plan to tackle the far-right.”