Media Release: Greens Bill bans all coal mines in Galilee Basin


Greens Senate Leader Senator Larissa Waters has today introduced a bill in the Senate to ban thermal coal mines in the Galilee Basin, effectively outlawing the Adani mine and Clive Palmer’s proposed coal mine.

She said opening up the Galilee Basin for thermal coal mining was a carbon bomb that would push global warming to unsafe levels and kill off the Great Barrier Reef.

“The Galilee Basin is a carbon bomb and in reality the science demands we don’t open up a single new coal mine,” Senator Waters said.

“We need to keep that Galilee coal in the ground and today I have a bill that will do just that.

“If the Galilee Basin were to be mined and it was a country, it would be the seventh largest greenhouse gas emitter in the world.

“Australia’s emissions continue to rise and millions of hectares of the country were burnt over Summer due to climate-fuelled bushfires. We desperately need a climate plan and that climate plan means getting out of thermal coal.

“We cannot afford to open up a new coal basin right when the rest of the world is embracing renewable energy and is transitioning towards an economy that can support workers and keep the planet liveable. 

“It’s time we had a real jobs plan for Queenslanders, not fake promises of coal mines that we hope will never eventuate otherwise our climate is cooked.

“We need a genuine transition plan that supports coal-affected communities, re-trains them where that’s necessary and oft times it won’t be as those skills are transferable to other industries, especially clean energy or mine rehabilitation.

“Big coal is very generous in their donations to both the old parties, holding back action on climate change and renewable energy in this country for years.

“We must transition out of dirty polluting fossil fuels and towards the clean, jobs-generating export market future of renewable energy,” she said.