Minister should halt fracking in Beetaloo & consider scientific advice


The Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek should immediately stop drilling and fracking from taking place in the Beetaloo Basin until she has considered the scientific advice about impacts on water, say the Greens. 

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young is Greens spokesperson for the Environment & Water:

“Tamboran has been clear they plan to start fracking any day now - without any environmental or water assessment. These gas cowboys need to be reigned in. The Minister needs to pick up the phone immediately and tell them there can be no drilling until she has recieved and considered the scientific advice she's requested.

“The Minister has the power to halt the fracking with the Water Trigger and she needs to use it. Letting the company drill for months while a scientific report is written is too risky for the environment and local water supply.

"Fracking the Beetaloo Basin in the NT is not only a threat to water and river systems, it would open up a huge gas climate bomb and violate the consent of Traditional Owners. It must be stopped.

“The Greens are ready to work with Minister Plibersek and the Prime Minister to strengthen Australia’s broken environment laws so they actually protect nature and water, not gas and coal corporations."

In Question Time this week the Greens were joined by Traditional Owners from the NT and again called for Minister Plibersek to use her power under the Water Trigger to stop fracking in the Beetaloo Basin.