More action needed to eliminate violence against women


On International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women the Greens have called for the Morrison Government to commit serious funding to frontline services, prevention programs, and short and long term housing so that women are not forced to choose between violence and homelessness.
The Greens have also endorsed the recommendations of today’s Pathways to Safety report from Aboriginal-led justice coalition Change the Record, which calls for governments to prioritise the leadership of Indigenous women and increase investment in violence prevention, support services and housing.

Greens deputy leader and spokesperson on women Senator Larissa Waters said:

“Every year on this day we recommit to ending sexual and physical violence against women around the world.
“If the Morrison Government was serious about ending this epidemic of violence they would have listened to the sector’s calls for $12 billion over the 12 year life of the National Plan, rather than the inadequate amounts they have pledged to date.

“We need expert-led prevention programs, not milkshake videos, and real work to end the gender inequality that drives violence against women. 
“To eliminate violence against women the government must deliver what women’s groups have been demanding for years: proper sexual consent education in schools; addressing the causes of the gender inequality that drives violence; a massive investment in crisis, transition and long-term housing so women are not forced to choose between homelessness and violence; and a commitment of $12 billion over the 12-year life of the next national plan to ensure frontline services are fully funded and no-one seeking help is turned away.
“And we need a stand alone, self-determined First Nations National Women’s Safety Plan - as called for by today’s Pathways to Safety report from Change the Record. First Nations women know how to keep their children and communities safe, and we need a National Plan than listens to them and provides the tools they need to end violence against First Nations women and children.”