More evidence of shameful lack of support for disadvantaged and people on low incomes in Anglicare’s Jobs Snapshot


The Australian Greens said today Anglicare Australia’s Jobs Snapshot once again demonstrates the urgent need for a permanent increase to JobSeeker and Youth Allowance to ensure that the payment is above the poverty line.

It is absolutely shameful that in a country as wealthy as Australia the Government is not ensuring that disadvantaged people and those people on low incomes are properly supported through this crisis”, Greens spokesperson on Family and Community Services Senator Rachel Siewert said.
The Government also needs to fix the employment services system in this country, it is not fit for purpose and instead of cutting over a billion dollars from employment services that money should be invested in better delivery of service.

The budget did not deliver for many unemployed Australians, for example there are hundreds and thousands of jobs in the care economy, not only would that help vulnerable Australians obviously it creates employment.

We are not all in this together. The Government is turning a blind eye and giving the cold shoulder to the people that were out of work before this crisis and to the million people who have entered the income support system because we are in a recession. 
The Government has no plan to manage the mortgage and rental stress that is coming now that Jobseeker is back below the poverty line.
It’s pretty galling that the Government keeps talking about the mental health of Australians when they are keeping so many people in limbo on whether they will be living on $40 after Christmas. 
I have just introduced a Greens private senator’s bill to reinstate the original rate of the Coronavirus Supplement to $550 a fortnight for people on Youth Allowance, JobSeeker and the Disability Support Pension. 
This is the sixth bill to increase JobSeeker - formerly Newstart - that I have introduced in my 15 years in Parliament. Those in Parliament who support an increase to JobSeeker should vote for their professed values.
If this bill is passed it will reinstate the original rate of the Coronavirus Supplement at $550 a fortnight for people on Jobseeker and Youth Allowance and extend the supplement to people on DSP and those on the Aged Pension accessing Commonwealth Rent Assistance."

Media Contact
Lucy Cowcher-Guthrie; 0418 401 180