More support needed so people can stay safe at home


The Greens say that State, Territory and Federal Governments need to provide more financial support to people on income support and low incomes in lockdown if we are to succeed in fighting the delta variant.
"Last year we had the JobSeeker supplement and the JobKeeper payments which changed people's lives and enabled them to manage some very difficult times", Senator Rachel Siewert said. 
"The Federal Government took those supports away cruelly and prematurely.
"State and Territory leaders need to start extending the $1500 isolation payment to everyone who has been diagnosed with COVID, or is a close contact. Right now, income support recipients are excluded, this is unfair.
"We need positive measures and incentives in place. Punitive measures do not boost morale, they don't create good will in the community and they harm people on low incomes the most.
"There is too much blaming of individuals, we need Governments to step in with strong support packages, for everyone, not the very bare minimum they think they can get away with.
"If we want people to be able to stay home and keep themselves and their communities safe, then they need financial payments so that they can keep paying the bills and pay for any additional services they might need during a lockdown."