More voices denounce Mathias Cormann's pitch for OECD Secretary General


Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP has welcomed the growing chorus of voices questioning Mathias Cormann’s suitability for the role of OECD Secretary General.

In the weeks since Adam Bandt wrote to OECD representatives outlining Cormann’s climate record and in the days since he sent a video message to the heads of OECD nations, UK Labour, a coalition of climate groups and a Member of the European Parliament have come out against Mathias Cormann, warning the UK against using their crucial vote to back a climate wrecker.

“There’s a growing alarm among OECD member countries that they may end up with a Secretary General with a history of wrecking climate action,” Adam Bandt MP said.

“I have shared this video message with OECD leaders to highlight the true nature of Australia’s candidate. While he has tried desperately to greenwash his history as a climate wrecker in order to get the top job, his record speaks for itself.

“I congratulate Matthew Pennycook, Michael Bloss, and Anthony Gardner for speaking up against Mathias Cormann’s attempts to rewrite his history.

“The United States and the United Kingdom’s vote will be vital to determining who will lead the flagship economic group for years to come. 

“As Finance Minister and a member of the Liberal Cabinet, Cormann did everything he could to block emissions reductions and ensure that Australia remains the highest per capita carbon emitter in the world.

“If Cormann has seriously converted to become a climate champion, he’d prove it by admonishing the Australian government for its continued push to dig up more coal, oil, and gas, the chief causes of the climate crisis.”


Dear @OECD,

Before you pick your new leader, there’s something you should know about @mathiascormann.

We here in the Australian Parliament know him well as a coal and gas booster, and a climate action blocker. @OECD_ENV

— Adam Bandt (@AdamBandt) March 5, 2021