Morrison and Taylor put on show for gas giants at Glasgow


Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young commenting from COP26 in Glasgow this morning local time: 

“Mr Morrison has had a disaster of a world trip - from Rome to Glasgow, he has been embarrassed and called out for his lack of trustworthiness and lack of commitment.

“Here in Glasgow Scott Morrison’s word is mud. Rather than being a respected world leader, the Prime Minister is will leave here with a bad reputation for being a blocker, a liar and sop to the fossil fuel industry.

“Day two of Glasgow COP26 and the Morrison Government is busy hanging out with fossil fuel executives and hosting PR stunts for the gas industry. 

“After yesterday’s tone-deaf speech in the leaders session, Scott Morrison and Angus Taylor have spent today doing the bidding of the gas and coal industry and spending millions of taxpayers money promoting failed carbon, capture and storage. 

“The official Australia Pavillon here at COP26 has been handed over to gas giant Santos, a symbol that the Morrison Government is more interested in keeping the fossil fuel companies happy than working with other world leaders to increase climate action. 

“Spending billion of taxpayer’s dollars on carbon capture and storage has been a colossal failure for the past two decades. Despite spending four billion dollars Australian governments have nothing to show.”