Morrison fails women again with bizarre new consent videos


The Greens have slammed the Morrison government’s confusing and bizarre “Good Society” sexual consent videos which feature milkshakes, tacos and a man with a spear gun trying to convince a woman to swim with sharks.

Greens leader in the Senate and spokesperson on women Larissa Waters said:

“It’s been two years since the government announced its ‘Respect Matters’ program, and this is what we get? This is the worst piece of consent education I’ve ever seen and proves, yet again, that the Morrison government is utterly out of touch on this issue.

“This really should not be complicated. We don’t need quirky scenarios and tortured metaphors, we just need to let the actual experts produce the content.

“We have a crisis of misogyny and sexual violence in this country and the research tells us that effective consent training at a young age can promote gender equality and prevent gender-based violence.

“That’s why the Greens have been calling for a national roll out of Our Watch’s respectful relationships training program that has been piloted successfully in Queensland and Victoria.

“The training takes a whole-of-school approach to primary prevention of gender-based violence including sexual harassment and abuse, providing in-class education while also addressing school culture, policies and procedures.

“We need a comprehensive, expert-driven, fully funded, national program, not an optional, online-only resource that may do more harm than good.”