Morrison Government abandons people on income support



The Australian Greens said today the Morrison Government has abandoned people on income support payments during the middle of the pandemic. 
“This harsh and cruel treatment condemning people to deeper poverty is unconscionable” said Senator Rachel Siewert, Australian Greens spokesperson on Family and Community Services.

“Over a million people on the JobSeeker Payment and Youth Allowance continue to miss out on access to COVID-19 Disaster Payments, making their lives even harder”.
“The Government is blatantly ignoring the fact that income support recipients have also lost work as a result of lockdown measures." 
“People on low incomes are again being forced to make impossible choices between paying rent, putting food on the table and purchasing essential medicines." 
“The Government must take responsibility for its role in the Sydney and Melbourne lockdowns and immediately allow income support recipients to have access to COVID-19 Disaster Payments."


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Lucy Cowcher-Guthrie: 0418 401 180