Morrison Government continues attack on environment


The Covid Commission being riddled with self-interested fossil fuel industry executives touting their own sector as the economic saviour from the coronavirus pandemic is just the latest attempt by the Morrison Government to further destroy our environment, the Greens say.

Greens spokesperson for the Environment Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said:

“Whether it is cutting environmental protections even before the 10-year review into the EPBC Act is completed or stacking the Covid Commission with the gas and mining lobby, the fix is in.  

“Covid-19 is being used as a cover by the Morrison Government to feather the nests of its mates in the fossil fuel industry.

“If the Covid Commission is to have a shred of integrity left, gas-man Nev Power has to go. As Chair of the Commission his gas agenda has made his position untenable.

“Australians care more about the environment after the catastrophic bushfires over summer than ever before and they are seeing right through this latest attempt to claim gas and fossil fuels will be our country’s saviour.

“It’s not enough for mining and gas companies and property developers that more than 7.7million hectares of critical habitat and the wildlife that calls it home, has been destroyed for their projects over the past 20 years, they want to slash and burn even more.

“It is no wonder that Australia has one of the worst extinction rates in the world.

“Sacrificing our wildlife, our pristine natural environment and our planet for big corporate profits in an industry that is ultimately on the out, is shameful.  

“International energy and economic agencies are calling for the Covid-19 recovery to focus on action on climate change and mass conservation, yet the people running our country are completely ignoring the climate crisis and planning to further destroy our environment.

“Australia needs a Green Recovery from Covid-19, that protects and enhances our environment and our way of life and creates jobs of the future, not a path that sends us hurtling towards the further destruction of our planet.”