Morrison Govt’s environment-wrecking laws dead in water, Senate Inquiry report shows


The Morrison Government’s new environment-wrecking laws do not have enough support to pass the parliament the Senate Inquiry report into the legislation released this afternoon shows.

The Greens, Labor and crossbench senators Patrick, Lambie and Griff all declared their opposition to the Bill leaving just the Morrison Government and One Nation in support.

Greens Environment Spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said:

“The Morrison Government’s environment-wrecking laws are dead in the water. 

“The Government shamelessly tried to smooth the path for their big mining and developer mates to get their environment-destroying projects approved even faster while completely ignoring the independent review of environment laws that was underway. 

“These laws are nothing more than a rehash of Tony Abbott’s 2014 bill which failed to pass the parliament then and will fail again now.

“The Environment Minister should announce today that the Government will not be pursuing this Bill any further. 

“We have a once-in-ten-year opportunity to reform our environment laws to protect our wildlife and our wild places. Any new laws must be informed by a full and proper consideration of the final Samuel Report and include strong national environmental standards and an independent regulator to enforce them.”