Morrison has no pathway out of recession


Responding to today’s alarming economic figures, Greens Leader Adam Bandt said Scott Morrison has no plan to get the country out of recession and that a bold investment plan was needed, not granite benchtop grants.

“Australia is in recession and Scott Morrison has no plan to get us out of it,” said Mr Bandt.

“Depression-era job queues demand a Depression-era response, which means massive public investment in nation-building, planet-saving projects, not granite benchtop grants.”

“We need a 15 year plan to build 500,000 new public housing homes and create 44,000 new jobs and apprenticeships, not a mansion extension fund that will use public money for private benefit.

“As bad as these figures are, they will get worse when Scott Morrison pushes everyone off a cliff over the next few months by cutting JobSeeker, JobKeeper and childcare support.”

“With nearly 4 in 10 young people with no jobs or not enough work, it is time for a Green New Deal and a Jobs Guarantee to provide meaningful work to people and deliver lasting benefits to the Australian population.”

The Greens ‘Invest to Recover’ plan would create 870,000 new jobs, build 500,000 new public housing dwellings, restore the arts and education sectors, rehabilitate our environment and revitalise manufacturing in Australia, all while keeping debt at less than half of comparable advanced economies.