Morrison makes mockery of environment law review with latest legislation


The Morrison Government’s latest attempt to weaken Australia’s environmental laws completely ignores their own expert’s recommendations and will lock in the demise of our wildlife and iconic natural places, the Greens say.

Greens Environment Spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said:

“This move by the Morrison Government is a death sentence for Australia’s koalas and wildlife. 

“The Morrison Government has blatantly ignored their own expert’s recommendations and is instead taking a chainsaw to environmental protections.

“They have absolutely no intention of reversing the unsustainable environmental trajectory Professor Samuel warned about in his once-in-ten-year review. They haven’t even bothered to respond after more than 100 days sitting on the final report.

“The Morrison Government’s only plan is to weaken environment laws to make it even easier to mine, log and pollute.

“This latest bill is a push to satisfy big miners, big developers and big polluters who donate to the Liberal party.

“We need strong environmental standards and laws that protect our iconic natural places and precious wildlife and an independent watchdog to hold governments and corporate interests to account. This bill doesn’t even get close to delivering that.”