Morrison must take responsibility for Aged Care debacle: Greens


The Greens say evidence given to the Royal Commission into Aged Care and statements of the Prime Minister have become utterly contradictory. 

“The aged care disaster in Australia lands squarely at Scott Morrison’s doorstep,” Greens Leader, Adam Bandt said.

“The Greens, aged care advocates and now the special council to the Royal Commission have pointed out, in no uncertain terms, that this was a predictable outcome of government inaction and neglect."

"Scott Morrison must not just take responsibility, he must now unwind the privatisation of aged care. Corporations should not be making obsecne profits from older people's suffering."

Greens spokesperson on Ageing Senator Rachel Siewert said:

“The Royal Commission has heard that there was no plan and other deeply concerning evidence yet we’re hearing no acceptance of responsibility for that from the Prime Minister. 

“After more than 35 public reviews of the aged care sector in 40 years, you would think that the Commonwealth Government would have acted more strongly by now. The harsh reality is that aged care is not seen as a priority by this Government and Governments that have come before it."

“Excuses like waiting for the royal commission to report are an affront to people in care and their families.”

The Greens have advocated for a $3 billion dollar rescue package to help alleviate immediate issues, and formerly requested a change in the terms of reference of the Royal Commission to examine the impact of profit making.