As Morrison prepares the ground to ditch Kyoto credits Liberals and Labor both failing 2030 test


Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, says the Government is right to reconsider its 2030 climate ambitions, but needs to do far more than just drop the Kyoto-credits loophole if Australia is to join the rest of the world on climate action.
“The government’s terrible 2030 targets leave Australia exposed. We’re in the critical decade and domestic political games will provide no cover for Australia’s climate-pariah status on the world stage,” Bandt said.
“Scott Morrison’s 2030 targets are consistent with Australia warming by over 4 degrees, which means civilisational collapse. The Liberals’ 2030 targets are not consistent with the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming to well below 2 degrees.
“With Europe and the United Kingdom looking to cut pollution by well over half by 2030, and the United States having already agreed to cuts of 26-28% on 2005 levels by 2025, five years earlier than Australia, we’re becoming increasingly isolated.
“President-Elect Biden has committed to hold a global climate summit in the first 100 days of his Presidency to increase national emissions pledges, and both the Liberal and Labor parties must align Australia’s 2030 targets with the science.
“The Liberals’ 2030 targets have Australia on track for over 4 degrees of heating and Labor is letting Scott Morrison off the hook by having no 2030 targets at all.” 
The Greens adjusted their 2030 and net-zero targets in July to take into account recent science and the reversal of progress since the repeal of the price on carbon - see here.