Morrison's 2050 plan a climate fraud: Bandt


Greens Leader Adam Bandt says that Scott Morrison’s 2050 plan is a climate fraud and will be treated like a sick joke in Glasgow.

Mr Bandt said there is no detailed plan, just a rehash of last year’s Technology Roadmap, and up to half of the claimed emission reduction relies on offsets, accounting tricks and unproven technology.

The so-called plan has no new money, no new policies, no increase to 2030 targets and will mean more coal and gas. The Prime Minister boasted in his press conference that the plan is based on “existing policies”.

The Glasgow Summit is meant to be about increased 2030 targets instead the Prime Minister will keep Tony Abbott’s almost decade old target and his claimed “meet and beat” projections will still cook the planet and our kids.

The Greens will take to Glasgow a policy of a legislated 75% reduction target by 2030 and net–zero by 2035.

Quotes attributable to Greens Leader Adam Bandt MP:

“When they see this document in Glasgow, they won’t be calling Scott Morrison heroic, they’ll be calling him a joke.

“This isn’t a plan, it’s a climate fraud. There’s no new money, no new policies, more coal and gas and 2030 targets that will cook our kids.

“The only thing we will “meet” is our alarming trajectory towards 1.5 degrees of warming. The only thing we will “beat” is our previous heatwave and bushfires records.

“Weak 2030 targets are a death sentence. Morrison’s plan is dangerous and will cost our kids their future.

“We need a plan to phase out coal and gas and we need it now. But after 8 years in government, after all the warnings, at five minutes before the most important climate conference in a generation, they’re expanding coal and gas and refusing to lift 2030 targets.

“After attacking anyone who had a climate policy and tearing them down to get himself ahead, today Scott Morrison wants applause for putting our lives at risk and making the climate crisis the next government’s problem.”