Morrison's ‘not zero’ modelling a sham


Quotes attributable to Greens Leader, Adam Bandt MP, on the government’s ‘net zero modelling’:

"This is a plan for ‘not zero’. 

"The Prime Minister’s promise not to lie lasted less than 24 hours.

"This is a piece of fiction trying to cover up inaction.

"Scott Morrison’s climate ambition is so low that he doesn’t even hit net zero in his net zero ‘plan’.

"This is a recipe for climate collapse in Australia, with more extreme droughts, floods and fires.

"It doesn’t even model what the world is furiously trying to reach in Glasgow, the Paris Agreement goal of staying below 1.5C of warming. 

"Under this ‘not zero’ plan, in 2050 emissions from coal, gas and other sources are nearly half what they are today, 253 million tonnes per year.

"The plan is built on more coal and gas and a vague hope that the private sector will voluntarily offset 159 million tonnes of someone else’s pollution. The Prime Minister fundamentally misunderstands ‘can-do capitalism’ if he thinks big corporations will voluntarily hand over a big bag of cash for permits they’re not obliged to buy.  

"Under the Liberals' plan, in 2050 Australia won't have a safe climate and it won't even have net zero emissions. Under the Liberals, in 2050 Australia will emit 94 million tonnes per year in 2050, a larger amount of climate pollution than countries like New Zealand or Greece emit right now in 2021.

"Any genuine plan would model the Paris Agreement pathways to limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees, which for Australia means 75% emissions reduction by 2030.