Morrison's sham Carbon Credits a pro-fossil fuel perversion of the Carbon Price


Greens Leader Adam Bandt has slammed reports of the Morrison Government offering a carbon credit scheme to Santos, saying it represented a perversion of a carbon price that would only encourage the development of fossil fuel projects.

“We're heading towards the climate crisis cliff and with just ten years to change course, we need to be investing massively in renewables and hydrogen through a Green New Deal, not propping up unproven and unscalable unicorn technology,” Mr Bandt said.

“Carbon capture and storage is no replacement for transitioning away from coal, oil and gas.

“Santos is coming to the government, cap in hand, asking for a handout of public money that should be going to schools, hospitals and renewables. They’re making money polluting and are now asking to be paid to clean it up. This is a perversion of an emissions trading scheme.

“Just six years ago Tony Abbott tore up the Gillard-Greens legislated carbon price on behalf of the coal industry. Now, on behalf of the gas industry, Scott Morrison looks like he’s setting up his own sham version.

“The Liberal’s approach would be all carrot and no stick, with no disincentive for polluting but bonuses for any big gas company who cleans up some of their mess.

“Australia emits over 500Mt of CO2 and other greenhouse gases every year. Whether it's the 100 tonne trial, or the 1.7Mt theoretical annual capacity of the Santos Moomba project, it won't put a dent in Australia's massive carbon emissions. We need a plan to phase out coal and gas while looking after affected workers and communities, with massive investment in jobs and renewables as part of a Green New Deal.”