
MYEFO shows yet again that the Liberals are locking in inequality and damage from climate change, the Greens say.

“The economy continues to be underpinned by Government spending, with state governments’ investment in social housing and public transport responsible for a lot of the improved outlook," Greens Economic Justice Spokesperson Senator Nick McKim said.

"But wages growth has been revised down following the Government’s announcement that they will reduce public sector wage increases.”

“Unemployment, underemployment and insecure work will continue to be persistent problems."

"Tax cuts are not going to save the Australian economy. Instead Australia needs to get on board a green recovery with government spending on clean energy.”

"The transition is happening around the world, whether the Liberals and their fossil fuel donors like it or not.”

"MYEFO also shows that coal is doomed economically, with falling global demand as the world moves away from fossil fuels at a much faster rate than Australia."

"It beggars belief that the Liberals are throwing taxpayers money at opening up new gas fields without the consent of Traditional Owners, rather than investing in renewables and helping fossil fuel communities to transition."

"A $50m subsidy to the fracking industry is simply a crime against our climate."


Australian Greens spokesperson on Family and Community Services Senator Rachel Siewert said:

This is yet another opportunity squandered to do what is best for our community and the economy and put money in the hands of those who need it most.

People in our community are facing Christmas and the new year with a cut to their JobSeeker payment that is dropping people further below the poverty line. 

This is cruel and it is not good economic management. There is no economic ‘recovery’ unless no one is left behind. 

People on JobSeeker, including single parents, disabled people and older women are being ignored, left behind in this so-called economic recovery.

We urgently need a permanent increase to Jobseeker that is above the poverty line. 

The Greens are extremely worried about the impact the uncertainty of the Jobseeker rate is having on the mental health of Australians with the Christmas and New Year periods already difficult for so many people.