NACC: Foxes can't design the henhouse


Tuesday 5 October 2022 

Of course the Coalition wants an impossibly high bar for NACC public hearings, they are protecting their self interest after one of the most notorious governments in a generation. The proposal from the Coalition to further restrict NACC public hearings is deeply out of step with the community and looks like an attempt to shield themselves and their mates from scrutiny. 

Asking that the existing test in the bill ALSO includes judicial review is designed to tie the new Commission up in legal challenges and delay. It’s a plan to allow high wealth targets of the NACC to lawyer up and derail the new integrity body. 

The Greens are continuing to work collaboratively to deliver on the mandate from the electorate to create a fully empowered national integrity body that delivers real accountability.  

Lines attributable to Justice Spokesperson David Shoebridge: 

“The test in the existing bill for public hearings of “exceptional circumstances” is already too high and will unreasonably constrain the new commission. 

“Politicians, particularly from the Coalition, have a glaring conflict of interest in shaping an integrity body that we know will shortly be investigating their former government. 

“It’s increasingly obvious that Canberra insiders are working on a dirty deal to shield politicians from being exposed through public hearings. 

“The community expects better than secret trials about major corruption matters involving high profile figures like politicians. 

“The bar in NSW for the ICAC sees only a tiny fraction of hearings held in public, it’s extraordinary that there is an attempt to deliver a Federal Commission less powerful than State Commissions. 

“This thought bubble from the Coalition to require judicial review is designed to tie the new Commission up in legal challenges and delay. It’s a plan to allow high wealth targets of the NACC to lawyer up and derail the new integrity body. 

“The Greens remain open to collaborate with Labor and the crossbench to deliver a watchdog with teeth,” Senator Shoebridge said.