Narrabri gas approval is more fuel for the fires


Greens Leader Adam Bandt and NSW Senator Mehreen Faruqi say the approval of the Narrabri Gas project is the first domino to fall in the Morrison Government’s gas executive-stacked energy plan, which flies in the face of the climate emergency and basic market economics.

The Narrabri Gas project is a climate disaster and it has just been approved, against the will of local farmers and the Gamilaraay Traditional custodians. 

Greens Leader Adam Bandt said:

“Scott Morrison and his gas cartel have just lit the fuse on a giant climate bomb.”

“This Morrison-backed project lines the pockets of big corporations but digs graves for our children.” 

“To have any chance of avoiding climate collapse, we must keep gas in the ground. There is simply no room for new gas projects if we want to avoid runaway global heating. The Narrabri project will produce over 120 million tonnes of climate pollution across its lifetime, pushing us ever closer to critical climate tipping points and collapse.”

“This project will keep gas prices high and trash the local environment. 

“Pressure from the Federal government means the public can have little confidence in how this decision was made. The Federal Government had its hand on the scales, holding $960 million of critical electricity transmission infrastructure hostage to this approval through their Commonwealth-NSW MOU," Bandt said.

Senator Mehreen Faruqi, Greens Senator for NSW, said:

“There is no justification for this unconscionable and widely-opposed coal seam gas project.

“This dirty project will be terrible for the climate and it will poison our land and water. 

“Federal and state Liberals are on a unity ticket when it comes to destroying our environment for the benefit of their fossil-fuel industry mates.

“Gas has no part to play in a green future. This toxic project will further delay the shift to renewables and exacerbate the climate crisis,” she said.