Nationals' quarter trillion climate bomb a dangerous joke


The Greens have slammed the Nationals’ proposed $250 billion publicly funded coal and gas bank as robbing public money to chase stranded assets for Nationals donors. 

“The Nationals are holding our country to ransom. They want a quarter of a trillion dollars to fund assets even the big banks won’t touch because they’re too dangerous, too deadly and will send anyone who lends them money broke,” Mr Bandt said.

“Barnaby Joyce is trying to lock the public into supporting coal projects no one else will touch with a ten foot pole.

“The Glasgow climate summit is about two things: lifting 2030 targets and phasing out coal. With Scott Morrison and Barnaby Joyce bankrolling more coal and gas, it’s no wonder the Prime Minister won’t show his face at this critical climate summit.”

“Matt Canavan has even suggested that the government’s coal-hugging will push up interest rates and mortgages and that he doesn’t care.   

“This shows how dangerously disconnected from reality the Coalition is becoming. 

The Nationals want to give coal and gas corporations a quarter of a trillion dollars of public money to continue the climate crisis, even if doing so means people have to pay more on their mortgage. 

“‘Net zero by 2050’ is already a smokescreen that allows a dangerous delay on climate action. Add in massive spending for fossil fuels, and you have a recipe for climate disaster.

“We must support coal workers into new mining jobs, not give handouts to billionaire corporations.”