New environment laws carbon copy of Tony Abbott’s 2014 attack


New environment laws introduced by the Morrison Government today are carbon copy of Tony Abbott’s 2014 attack, the Greens say.

Greens Spokesperson for the Environment Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said:

“Our environment is in crisis and the only plan the PM and Environment Minister can come up with is to copy climate-denier Tony Abbott’s homework.

“These new laws take a chainsaw to environmental protections. They will make it easier for mining companies and big developers to get approval for projects that will destroy the environment and harm our native animals.

“We need stronger protections for our environment, not less. The Greens fought this proposal back when Tony Abbott wanted them, and we will be fighting to send it back to the archives now.

“The key question now is, what will Labor do? They can’t keep sitting on the fence while our environment is under attack and the Morrison Government is smoothing the way for big miners and big developers.

“Whose side is Labor on - the environment’s or Tony Abbott’s and the big polluters?

“The Greens moved today to refer the legislation to the Environment Senate Committee for inquiry but the Government and One Nation have again teamed up to block scrutiny and transparency.

“The Morrison Government has ignored the fact a once in 10-year review is still underway into our environment laws. That review should’ve been completed before any legislation was introduced, let alone laws that wind back protections.

“We should be making the most of this once-in-a-decade opportunity to fix our broken laws, not smoothing the path for miners and developers to trash our environment even further.”