New Water Minister should be South Australian, Greens say


SA Greens Senator and Spokesperson for Environment and Water, Sarah Hanson-Young has called on the Albanese Government to appoint a Water Minister from South Australia in Labor's new Cabinet. 

Senator Hanson-Young said:

"I have a new found hope for our Murray River now that the National Party's reign over the water portfolio is finally over. 

"But while the Barnaby Joyce and the Nats are no longer in charge, the water wars between the Basin states are set to continue.

"I urge Prime Minister Albanese to appoint a South Australian Water Minister which will be the biggest signal Labor can send that they won't let the upstream states rule the River's roost any longer. 

"The Murray-Darling is Australia's biggest river system, and the lifeblood of South Australia. But rivers die from the mouth up. A South Australian Water Minister will be our best chance of ensuring the best interests of the Murray are represented, not those of upstream corporate irrigators. 

"With Labor's water spokesperson Terri Butler losing her seat, the job is going begging. The right thing to do for the future of the entire River system is appoint a South Australian to oversee the implementation of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan and make sure our state gets the water it needs and deserves.

"The Greens will be using our position in balance of power in the Senate to fight for the delivery of the 450GL promised to South Australia. With senator-elect Barbara Pocock about to join me in the senate, SA will have to strong Greens women fighting for our Murray."