No whale should suffer for false sense of security


Another whale is separated from its pod and suffering after being entangled in a deadly shark net which it was forced to drag for kilometres before tiring from exhaustion near Snapper Rocks in Queensland. 

Greens spokesperson for Healthy Oceans, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson said:  
“Shark nets are archaic weapons of mass destruction for protected marine life that contrary to politicians’ messages, don’t make our beaches safe for ocean goers.
“Every year the bodies of turtles, dolphins, seals, and whales are left to hang in these walls of death across our coastlines.
“The whale that is heavily entangled off the coast of Queensland is experiencing prolonged and painful suffering. Yet this is what the Government is happy to accept for a false sense of security in the ocean, and it is barbaric. 
“There is so much more we can do to mitigate the very rare risk of shark bites without killing hordes of other protected marine life in the process.
“The Greens and the Australian Senate have recommended a blueprint for change to manage risks to both humans and wildlife. Sadly, in states like Queensland, we just don’t have the mainstream political will to make it happen, but The Greens will never stop fighting to change that.”
Greens deputy leader and Queensland Senator Larissa Waters said:
“The Queensland Government must act to end this indiscriminate torture of protected wildlife.
“There is no evidence that shark nets or drumlines work to deter sharks or protect swimmers - actually we’ve seen that distressed animals caught on drumlines can attract predators.
“The Queensland Government should urgently explore ecologically sensitive alternatives to nets and drumlines, which protect swimmers without being deadly for our iconic and endangered marine wildlife."