NSW shark strategy: still a long way to go


Greens Healthy Oceans spokesperson, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, welcomes the NSW Government’s investment in non-lethal shark mitigation measures announced today, but calls for the immediate removal of lethal shark nets. 
Senator Whish-Wilson said, “I’m disappointed that the NSW Government has chosen to continue its use of lethal shark nets. 
“There is no evidence that lethal methods make ocean-goers safe and are instead, designed to provide a false sense of security. If the NSW Government has evidence to the contrary, I would be very surprised.  
“The 2017 Senate inquiry recommended that NSW phase out shark nets and I strongly urge the NSW Government to take this action immediately. 
“The 2017 Senate inquiry recommended increased funding and support for the development and implementation of non-lethal mitigation measures and it is encouraging to see the NSW Government further investing in non-lethal detection and surveillance.”