Nuclear subs announcement puts target on SA’s back


The SA Greens will take the fight against nuclear submarines to be built in Adelaide to Canberra, labelling it a dangerous deal that puts a target on the state’s back. 

Greens Senator for SA Sarah Hanson-Young said:

"The Prime Minister has signed a disastrous and dangerous deal for Australia.

"Many Australians have woken up to this news this morning and are feeling scared and worried about what the consequences will be. 

"This is a serious escalation in our military policy and spending. It puts a target on the back of Adelaide and SA.

"Election after election the Liberals promise subs jobs for SA and they’ve never eventuated. Instead of building the US’s war machines, SA deserves the real jobs of the future in clean, green manufacturing such as electric vehicles. 

"The real security threat we face is the climate crisis and that’s where PM Morrison should be directing his energy, not putting us at the whim of the US especially if there’s another Trump in the White House." 

Greens Lead Senate Candidate for South Australia, Emeritus Professor Barbara Pocock said:

"Yet again South Australians are on a promise for submarine jobs without any evidence about when or whether they will materialise. This time in exchange for embedding our state into the nuclear cycle, through nuclear-powered submarines.

"Many South Australians will share my concern: is this the thin edge of the wedge for the aggressive proponents of the nuclear power industry – back in our state yet again to spruik their failing project? 

"Many will share my concern about a new military agreement – the detail of which we do not know - that escalates militarism in our region, even as we witness the terrible costs of our latest failed partnership with the US and the UK in Afghanistan?

"There are big, unknown risks and potential costs for our state, and every South Australian needs to understand them.

"I will stand up in the Senate for the safety of our state. I will be a voice for those who share my concerns about the risks this creates for our city, and about the consequences and detail of a new military pact.

"I will oppose the embedding of our state in an escalated nuclear fuel cycle.

"Nuclear powered submarines are not an industry or jobs policy – which is what our state needs. I will push for a future of safe jobs in renewable energy, green hydrogen, addressing the immediate security threat that is represented by climate change."