One Nation’s JobKeeper transparency stitch up


One Nation has let the Government off the hook on JobKeeper rorts, just as public pressure is mounting to unsustainable levels, the Greens say.

“Reporting which publicly listed companies received JobKeeper isn’t nearly enough as most of this information was already available,” Greens Economic Justice spokesperson Senator Nick McKim said.

“This stitch up covers less than 5% of the $90 billion in JobKeeper payments made  - private companies, private schools and foreign entities will be exempt, and we may never know how much they received.”

“At least $6 Billion in JobKeeper payments went to companies that increased their turnover in both the June and September quarters of last year.”

“But, thanks to One Nation’s stitch up with the government, we won’t know who the majority of those companies are.”

“We need to know every company that received significant JobKeeper payments and how much they got.”

"The Australian Greens have tabled the Ending Jobkeeper Profiteering Bill which would achieve these things, and is currently before a Senate Committee."

“We will continue to push for full disclosure of JobKeeper payments and for profitable companies to pay it back.”